Friday, January 15, 2010

What Causes Black Stools After Drinking Red Wine


Lucena (Córdoba) is a municipality in the province of Cordoba, Andalucia, Spain. Located 71 kilometers south of the capital of the province of Cordoba.
Its name comes from Eli Hosanna (from Hebrero ... "God save us"). It was named for the Jews, the Muslims called Al Yussana.
Others think that your home is older.
During the Middle Ages was known for such beautiful names as "La Perla de Sefarad " and " City poetry."
seems that Lucena is the people of Spain that has more trees in every municipality.
has about 41,000 inhabitants, but during working hours may rise to 43,000 by the neighboring towns, becoming the most populous town in the province of Cordoba, after the capital and industrial powerhouse of the region of the Subbética and the center of Andalusia, near Antequera.
Lucena was among the 10 industrial populations of Andalusia in 2009. (" date data sent by a Lucena).

Archaeological Museum of Lucena:
Located in the Castle del Moral, civil building XIV century military.
works as a look in the mirror of the past, life, culture, and our own personal and collective identity.
has 10 rooms, ranging from the evolution of the earth, until now.
La Cueva del Angel (Screenplay)
gallery is located in the west of Castillo. Recreates the life and environment of Neanderthals and preneandertales, at the site of the Cueva del Angel, in the Sierra Aras.

spaces were recreated the Neanderthal cave where a woman fuels the fire and a dealer builds a wooden ax.

Torre del Moral:

Located near Coso, old place outside its walls, is a National Historic Landmark. Its oldest part, corresponding to the core, was probably built in the eleventh century during the city's Jewish. The factory is square with corner towers. The latter emphasizes the Moral tower, and octagonal baroque preserves its cover.

Parish of St. Matthew:
is considered a small cathedral, and is one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in the province of Cordoba.
surely its location in the synagogue and then found the mosque, but was adapted to Christian worship in 1,240.

of artistic canons Mudejar Gothic and Renaissance.

San Miguel's cover is 1544, the transition from Gothic to Renaissance.
Conventual Church of the Mother of God (San Francisco)
Founded in 1558, and subsequently amended in 1620. Presents a simple cover Mannerist.
is built on an old medieval chapel and was carried out on traces of the master builder (architect or master builder) Malaga Francisco de Lucena.
With a Latin cross and dome light on the cruise. Its facade is a wall of brick.

Parish Church of Santiago:
Gothic-Mudejar temple XVI century. National Historic Monument
Access to the church is done through a low arch, decorated with scallops and jambs consist of composite pillars. On the cover is placed an image of Santiago.

Parish of Our Lady of Carmen:
Located on a hill above the typical neighborhood of the barrier, was a temple convent of the Order of Discalced Carmelites. Built at 1,630
following the Carmelite artistic standards in fashion, in a severe baroque purist. Is a clear example of the architectural evolution Mannerism to the Baroque and the remarkable influence of Herrera in the architecture of the first half of the seventeenth century.
Civil Architecture:
ancient lineage Homes , stately, baroque style. Homes
noables, highlight windows and balconies of the architecture. Examples:
House of the Recio Chacon Rico House of Duende, Casa de los Condes de Hust.


adjective: Lucentino / a
personal experience:
Again visit to this village in the province of Cordoba, occurred in the first days of September, when we went to Laura Mollina to participate in the Young Artists Competition I Street.
One morning, just as sunny as the day before, we come to know this people.
Small sample of the impressive architecture of Lucena.
Lucena, a city of Cordoba under which few suspect white appearance hides an extraordinary story: the story of the pearl of Sefarad. There was the most important rabbinical academy in the Jewish world between the ninth to twelfth centuries, preferably. A flowered garden where poetry and the study as only occurred later in Toledo. ____________________________________________________
addition to its architecture, Lucena has some ecological landscape, an environment privileged, which is to visit, such as Mount Aras and Bitter lakes, of Jarales, Malpasillo reservoir, the "Lake of Andalusia" - and their viewpoints.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Eagle Metal Core Wholesale


Today we had a photo shoot for the website of Laura.
The photographer decided to go to a beach with fine sand and we move to a beautiful beach in Tarifa (Cadiz), which is called Punta Paloma.
many days of rain, cloudy days, and cold and windy days, one day dawned clear and sunny.
A beautiful day: It was not cold, and it was windy and the sun was shining and I could not remember.

Punta Paloma:
beach south of the peninsula in Tarifa-Cadiz, a few miles from town.
It extends to the foot of a large dune, which is formed to the right of the beach with the help of the east winds.

Its sands are very clear and fine, golden grain, and very clear blue waters and shallow.
is a huge beach, almost wild. Usually do a lot of wind, and sailing practice, especially windsurfing. Also you can dive, and give a romantic horseback riding.

From this beach you can see the African coast of Morocco.
ah, I found my shell ...!
( )

shyly while the sun caresses the clear water, the shoot continued.
Open your arms, feel the warmth of the sun, the cool morning air.
Walk, dreams. Breathe

Punta Paloma Beach, as well as nearby beaches, the beach is natural, undeveloped. Mediterranean vegetation: pine, broom, juniper ...
karst Beaches important marine.

beaches with high dunes, near a large pine forest.

In short, a natural setting

personal experience:
A wonderful day. We do not think that after so many days of rain and bad weather, we could have la suerte de encontrarnos un día así. Mucho mejor porque Laura tenía que estar con ropa de verano, y podía pasar frío.
Pero como dije al principio, el día fue perfecto en cuanto a temperatura: soleado, sin viento. Hasta el agua estaba calentita.
Una playa maravillosa. Conocía un poco las playas de Cádiz, por nuestro viaje a Sanlúcar. Pero éstas me impresionaron aún más. Es todo tan salvaje (raro en estos tiempos), que parece que nadie ha pasado por allí.
 Esa convivencia entre el agua, las dunas y la vegetación es perfecta.
was a very intense, very nice. An unforgettable experience. One day unique.
could not stop taking photos. This left only a small sample.

Our premium Reme, sister of the photographer, Juven, he brought his dog, Franco ...
what a mess of names!, Jajajajjaja.
Well, I was saying: That was brought Franco Reme, I told him it was very ugly. And then you where to look!, I took to him and to me seemed nice ... As I made many pictures, and over, the pooch, was until photogenic, haha. Yes, you will take fond of animals. He went from scandal, and the others too, to see him.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Freezing Patch Usa

Canillas de Aceituno is a municipality in the province of Málaga (Andalusia, Spain), with about 2160 inhabitants, approximately.
belongs to the region of Axarquia, and is at 524 m. above sea level at the foot of the Sierra Tejeda.
Its name comes from the Latin word Cann-illa (area of \u200b\u200breeds) and later Azeituni (woven and dyed silk).
A municipality where the Phoenicians and Romans lived, but early news we have is from the Arab period.
is known that part of the Kingdom of Granada.
has a strong bond with the people of Andújar (Jaén). It is assumed that families of this county came to the village of Canillas de Aceituno, and hence the reverence we have of the Virgen de la Cabeza , which is their patron, as is the patron of Andújar (Jaén).
This town is full of narrow streets

of Arab architecture, immaculately whitewashed houses,

Moorish arches and beautiful spots of flowers.
Its upper part is a natural balcony.

Sunset in Canillas de Aceituno, August 8, 2009
Views from the streets to reach the top of the village, which serves as a lookout.

adjective: shin
personal experience: We arrived Canillas de Aceituno August 8, 2009, to attend the concert End of Course of the label " Bay Records ( ) where Laura is teaching.
We arrived late, and dark, while preparing the concert, and arranged the artists, while preparing the equipment for music and video, and while the square was filled with people eager to hear beautiful voices got by a narrow streets, not knowing what I would find.
I was surprised at every step he took, because I was meeting a very narrow streets, very white house, whitewashed, with many balconies and corners with flowers of all colors.
the end I came to a lookout, where I was entranced watching the people from above, their roofs, and sun was setting, giving a special light to the people, and turn the lights on party.
were only 5 hours, but very intense.