Friday, October 22, 2010

Ten Worst Genital Tatoos

This is Nina. Nina was the protagonist of the story that gave him the birthday of my daughter and since he always wanted to know, like Pinocchio, was a girl from veritat (... to steal i level).

This is Nina. Nina was the protagonist of the story that you gave to my daughter on her birthday. Since I saw her, wanted, like Pinocchio, to be a real doll (... of cloth and wool).

L' àvia Robet that they will carve the breast i havia triplets, including van anar totes dues cosint the Nina. Cos first, Després the dressed, the devantal, train them, col · Locanto detalls i els petits brodant the carona.
Vet here, resultat!

cut the Telitas Grandma Mom chose and, between them, gradually sewed Nina. First the body, then the dress, apron, braids, placing the small details and stitching his face.
Behold the result!

And this is the book (got the pattern) that has done so well we spent three generations!
Here you got the book (with patterns) has done that we spend so Buño rato three generations!


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