Published Decree 14/2011, of March 4 , laying on the approval of the implementing regulation of Law 2 / 2001, 31 May, Turismo de La Rioja ( BOR No. 33, March 11, 2011 , repealed the earlier regulation issued by Decree 111/2003 of 10 October, and Decree 22/1997, of 4 April .)
Article 200. complementary tourist activities. Types.
1. Tourism activities are considered complementary those carried out by providers who perform active tourism, environmental, recreational or cultural endeavor aimed at the discovery, understanding and enjoyment of the tourist resources and the organization of tourist events such as fairs, congresses, conventions, seminars and conferences.
2. For the purposes of these Regulations, and as a guide, the term:
active tourism activities: those related to sports activities that are carried out essentially using the resources offered by nature in the environment in which to develop , to which is inherent risk factor or a grado de esfuerzo físico o destreza.
Artículo 206. Requisitos de las empresas.
Las empresas que organicen actividades de turismo activo, al inicio de la actividad, han de cumplir los siguientes requisitos:
- Constituir y mantener en permanente vigencia un seguro de responsabilidad civil, pudiéndose establecer franquicias en la contratación del mismo, que cubrirá una cuantía mínima de 300.000 euros.
Esta cobertura tendrá que abarcar todos los perjuicios que may arise from damage, including personal, material and economic, upon exercise of the activities of the company, which will be duly specified in the policy.
In that policy should be reflected in writing all the activities offered. - Have a technical direction. Having
- technicians on staff or monitor specific knowledge or adequate based on the activity in question. Have
- navigation authorization granted by the competent authority, in cases where the activity takes place in public waters or when connected to air navigation. Have
- the authorization granted by the Ministry competent for the environment in cases where otherwise required by law for the protection of natural areas, woodland and cattle trails
insurance contracts required under paragraph a) shall remain in force for as long as the provision of activity, with the requirement to submit copies of current policies and receipts to competent counseling in tourism annually.
Article 207. Distinctive .
active tourism companies that have a local service public, rather clearly visible must display the price list for services or activities offered.
Article 208. Technical Direction.
The technical director is responsible for overseeing, among others, the following activities of the company:
- ensure compliance with environmental regulations applicable to the space where the activity takes place and the security policy each activity.
- prepare and activate emergency plans and evacuation may be necessary in the event of an accident or other circumstance that claim in accordance with current regulations.
- Review and check the correct status of all equipment and material used, taking responsibility for compliance on their mandatory periodic review.
- prevent the practice of the activity to those circumstances that they can be dangerous or harmful.
Article 209. Monitors, guides and instructors.
1. Active tourism companies provide a sufficient number of monitors or guides to advise and accompany individuals or organized groups who want to practice active tourism activities and adventure and hire their services.
2. Monitors or guides will have technical diplomas or technical sports top sports in the form in question as provided for in
Royal Decree 1363/2007, of 24 October , or regulation to replace him, which are configured as specialized education the leading to the degrees of technical sports, approved the general guidelines of the securities and the corresponding core curriculum or those awarded by the University, formal vocational training, or any other academic degree can be regulated, with regarding the matter.
3. Monitors, guides or instructors shall hold the corresponding qualifications required by aviation law, marine and underwater for training or customer support in the practice of aerial activities, nautical or underwater as required by that law.
Article 210. equipment and supplies.
1. Tourism companies to organize adventure activities should take security measures required to ensure the physical integrity of the users.
2. The equipment and material they are made available to users to practice the activities have to be approved, where appropriate, by relevant agencies as activity and meet the security conditions and guarantees necessary for their intended use.
3. In any case, employers are responsible for maintaining the conditions for proper use of equipment and material.
Article 211. Duty written information.
1. The owners of the companies that organize adventure activities shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the user is clearly informed of the facilities or services which involve risk and security measures. In any case they must record in writing, before beginning the practice of the activity, have been informed about:
- destinations, routes or paths to follow.
- Measures to be taken to preserve the environment in which the activity takes place.
- equipment and material to be used if the company did not provide.
- required knowledge, practical difficulties involved in activity and behavior to follow in case of danger. Where applicable, physical requirements or skills necessary to engage in the activity and, where appropriate, conditions that discourage the practice.
- security measures.
- existence of insurance policies and coverage.
- materials used. In his case must be specify which material is not included in the price offered, requiring an additional payment also be indicated. The material or minimum safety equipment will be included in any case, the price offered.
- Prices of the services offered, indicating whether they include applicable taxes.
- Existence of complaint forms.
2. The contract between the company and customers will be concluded in writing in order to protect the rights of consumers and users, consisting of identifying the subject, with a breakdown of services and price. The other conditions may be referred to the brochures or general conditions set out in the facility.
Article 212. Minor.
Subject to the conditions or prohibitions in the law for each activity, for under 16 users can be active tourism activities organized by tourist companies will require permission from parents or guardians, prior and writing.
Article 213. Obligations of the user.
Users must at all times follow the instructions received from the monitors or guides and use the material indicated by them, can the employer refuse to provide services if these obligations are breached or the user does not meet the physical conditions required to practice the activity in question.
Article 214. Physical security and accident prevention.
1. Monitors, guides or instructors who accompany clients have to wear a communication device to maintain direct contact with the officers of the company or public emergency services and rescue in order to give appropriate notice in case of accident or for any other need.
2. Companies must have a protocol in case of accidents to be forwarded at the beginning of each season Protective Services Officers Civil Administration of the Autonomous Community or the local authority territorial scope of the company.
3. Also communicate in any manner to the said Civil Protection Services or the Security Forces in the area, the development of each activity, with the number of participants and the intended journey. If you pay regularly, just an initial communication, expressing the maximum number of participants.
4. Companies in the course of providing services take into account the weather forecast official, referring to the practice area activities, with more detail geographical and time possible, according to predictions offered by these services.
If warning or prevention plan activation to adverse weather, extreme caution and if necessary, at its discretion and responsibility, to discontinue the activities.
5. Before starting the practice of the activity monitors and guides the customer will review the rules of self-protection and safety and to adopt measures to ensure environmental conservation.
Article 215. price system.
1. The holder of an active tourism company may require that made a reservation for the development of activities, an advance of money by way of signal, which means on account of the amount of services rendered.
If the cancellation of the reservation is made seven days before the set for the development of the activity will be available to the company the amount collected as signal.
2. Upon completion of the activities would be issued to customers by supporting documents showing payments made, in writing intelligible, of the various concepts and their respective prices.
3. Prices for all services must receive the maximum advertising. Aktiba