Friday, April 8, 2011

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natural Huelva closing two years of active tourism involving 30 young people from the province

.- HUELVA Huelva Provincial Council, through the Department of Socioeconomic Development , closing tomorrow project "Training in Tourism Current applied to the province of Huelva 'has been developed through training initiatives and has allowed the training of 30 young people from the province of Huelva, professionals in the sector and the unemployed. The project has been funded by the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía.

In total 135 hours of training was developed through training activities "Active Tourism in the Lower Guadiana" and "Digital Marketing in Tourism Current Assets." Active participatory methodology has been implemented through -learning platform of the Diputación Provincial de Huelva, combining well with practical activities in the territory. All this has allowed the achievement of the objectives of these courses.

Objectives Course 'Active Holidays in the Lower Guadiana' have been aware of the natural and cultural resources of the town in the Lower Guadiana, promote and implement the tourism resources of the Lower Guadiana, supply and demand to know the active tourism in this area and identify the advantages and disadvantages to facing an entrepreneur in the world of active tourism.
For its part, the objectives of the course 'Digital Marketing in Tourism Current Assets' have been bringing the use of new technologies and new trends in e-consumer and e-social asset to the tourism sector so that through knowledge of them to make optimal use of resources to promotion and advertising both business and institutional and professional training of the community and tourist information for the management of digital communication tools and their use in improving communication services and tourist information.

The 'Tourism Training Current applied to the province of Huelva' has been an important novelty , since in the province is relatively new to combine active tourism and marketing tools associated with the information society.

Source: Teleprensa


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