The Deputy General of Bizkaia, José Luis Bilbao, signed today with representatives of major financial institutions operating in our province, the cooperation agreement whereby autonomous persons can access the new aid plan just adopted by the institution specifically target Foral this group. This new Program of Financial Support to Self, "AFA" is intended to help finance the interest on loans that have agreements with these entities for improvement projects, expansion or renovation of his business.
financial institutions today signed a collaboration agreement with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia BBK, BBVA, BSCH, Caja Laboral, Kutxa Ipar, Banco Popular, La Caixa, Banco Sabadell and Banco Guipuzcoano, which may join that request because "it is an agreement open, said José Luis Bilbao, to all financial institutions with at least one establishment in Bizkaia. Today we have signed this agreement with those first entities who are willing to provide loans and assist in the management of this grant but I invite the rest to join because the support is everyone's self. "
also aided credits must be allocated for investments in improving their own businesses and facilities, machinery, equipment, information processing equipment or transport elements.
The budget provided by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia is 1.2 million euros, which may be extended to 4 million in accordance with requests received, while the deadline for applications will be open from May 2 30 October this year. Applications should be made on any branches of banks or savings banks which have granted the loan aid and to cooperate with the institution Foral
As explained José Luis Bilbao, the new program wants to be an incentive and reinforcement of this sector as one of the brunt of the crisis. "So, has insisted" we hope to convey a clear message to the self that Bizkaia Provincial Government and financial institutions are committed to work together to provide the necessary credit to enable them to make investments for improvement, expansion or remodeling of local needed. Together we will push for economic recovery of Biscay is a reality and face the future with hope and optimism. "
People discharged from autonomous or equivalent scheme, established in Bizkaia and workplace in the historic territory, who obtained a loan from a financial institution cooperating in this Decree.
Loans have been formalized to finance the following investments:
With this act, was now put in place the Financial Support Program for Self - "AFA" - approved by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia on 31 March, which aims to help defray, by a plan grants, the amount resulting from application of 4% the amount of loan for investment, with a minimum loan amount of $ 10,000 and a maximum of 100,000 euros.
General Deputy of Biscay has also noted that" thousands and thousands of independent workers lies an important part of wealth and jobs in our province; we are committed to employment and economic recovery, and support for this group is one of the main levers to promote their recovery. "
People discharged from autonomous or equivalent scheme, established in Bizkaia and workplace in the historic territory, who obtained a loan from a financial institution cooperating in this Decree.
- Plant.
- Machinery.
- tooling.
- facilities.
- Computer equipment.
- transport elements.
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