Friday, April 8, 2011

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Tourism entrepreneurs reported economic losses of the hard constraint on the rafting

From the Association of Navigation in rivers groups criticized the sudden change in the rules and regret the damage to the entire region

was expected in the second half of March arrived in the region of East Asturias four groups of schoolchildren and teachers to participate in rafting activities. In total, "800 overnight stays for four nights and five days, some 225 euros per person." But the trip was cut short because the rules changed and the east of the region ceased to be of interest to the expectations that the students wanted to meet. At least they consider who does the math and who denounces this History: Alberto García, Jairo Adventure and the Association of Navigation in Rivers.

"After 16 years of prohibition," he explains, "The rafting was authorized in Asturias in March 2010. There was no time, since it was the only community in Spain where this practice is permitted as usual adventure tourism. Enterprises engaged in leisure activities in the area then began working aware that, although legal, authorized "a number of sections and levels very limited." Thus, the river Sella was for most of the year "impracticable" within the Deva River, without But "we had a little better." So I used this wealth to start the sport of Urdón to Puentellés. But suddenly, everything changed and behold "surprise" of the sector.

"In the first half of March were posted on the site of civil engineering support services for navigation sections for tourists and rafting," he explains. And the permission to do this sport had changed so much that "only" is now allowed "in the Deva, Mondays and Thursdays except holidays and in the Sella with 110 levels until 15 May and from 16 May to 31 October, 130 on the scale levels Cangas de Onis. " Or what is the same, "it is as if you were banned," reported, "because we were again as before." That is, "with nothing, not having a dam which is our water."

So, "this situation is regrettable," especially considering that the original legislative change and the green light to the sport river had been a major financial outlay by the tourism companies active in both education and in materials. For Jaire already had part of material and for this year "we only made an investment of just over 30,000 euros." However, reported, "some companies have done all investment for this season. " Your money has not been for nothing. Nor did the work all winter organizing tours for groups and practice of these activities have now been canceled.

The fact thereby reducing the rafting so restrictive negative consequences for all, since the groups' leave their money in the shops in the area and also go to museums. " From the Association of Navigation in Rivers 'do not ask for subsidies, not aid', remember. "We only ask that we be allowed to work" because, in his view, the deterioration of the river is non-existent. "Where are the reports that reflect biodiversity of life that gives our business in the region? "he asked. "We did not pollute anything, just are dedicated to creating employment, help develop the area," he says. "Tourism companies active throughout the year bring thousands of people to practice activities" to revitalize the environment. "I will not say that fill hotels, campsites and village houses, but contribute to it", they complain.

groups that were to come these days "have gone to Lleida." Maybe "from the Catalan Generalitat call the Wildlife Service of the Directorate General of Biodiversity and Landscape of the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure of the Principality of Asturias to thank you for the monies that we refer this season, "critics. East Employers, meanwhile, "will continue to work for our workers and for this region." García, remember, has "25 years working for tourism." A time in which "I have always encountered obstacles' which has been" adapted "to" overcome them. " Now "we have to follow", but at least "unite and fight for this to get ahead," proposes.

Source: Trade


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